Category: Podcast
Loose Talk with Davee Jones
The Unpleasant Truth podcast makes a surprise reappearance in honor of Mr. Klein’s Wild Ride. Over the course of an uninhibited 37-minute conversation, erotic author Davee Jones and I talk about God, the Devil, hidden carnalities in the Oklahoma public library system, and the perils and pleasures of writing sexy.
An Unpunished Evil
The podcast is back! And believe me when I tell you: this is the best story about a German dye manufacturer you’ll hear all weekend. I mean that!
In Which I Exploit Justina Walford
This is the episode of The Unpleasant Truth podcast in which I interview my good friend Justina Walford. Justina is the screenwriter of Stripped, a movie about lesbian cannibal strippers. (How’s that for a logline?) It’s in production now. Justina’s also the owner and operator of, a site on which attractive people get partially…
I was last week’s guest on Animal Fire Theatre’s podcast. What fun! Host Austen Anderson invited me on to talk about theatre criticism and all the many way I can use it to get in trouble with decent Americans.
My Night in the Wreck Room
What we have here is my fourth podcast, except that this one’s a tiny bit different. Unlike previous installments, I decided to record it in one take, uninterrupted, and post it with no edits. This is the raw feed, straight from my thinky (and feely) place to you.
O, My Offense Is Rank
Find out why I know more than Isaac Asimov, and not just because he’s been dead for some time, in this week’s edition of my thinky podcast The Unpleasant Truth. This episode is all about the melancholy Dane and his irascible stepdad.
Be Excellent to Each Other
Present here is the second installment of Carv’s Unpleasant Truth podcast. This time, the subject is ethics for non-fundamentalists.
What a Piece of Work Is a Podcast
Around the time I started work on my own podcast, director Austen Anderson of Animal Fire Theatre began his.
Adventures in Podcasting
Here’s the very first installment of a podcast I may or may not call “The Unpleasant Truth.”