Mr. Klein's Wild Ride

Paradise Lost

–by Lynn Savage

Not since the RMS Titanic sank on its maiden voyage has a luxury product rollout gone so tragically wrong. Seventeen people were killed in Bliss Panerotic’s opening-weekend disaster last year, with hundreds more injured. Some claimed it was God’s vengeance against a flesh pit of sexual decadence. Around the world, millions of swingers and polyamorists quietly go about their business as they have for most of a century, living it up in their nonconformist lives with nary a lightning bolt from heaven in sight. Yet it’s hard not to see the Bliss Panerotic adult theme park as a target when reminded of news graphics like the one shown below.

GNN quake graphic, June 13, 2015
GNN quake graphic, June 13, 2015


The devastation, of course, was unforgettable.

Commissary pavilion near the Grand Entry in Zone 2
Commissary pavilion near the Grand Entry in Zone 2


Sanasana hotel, northern lawn
Sanasana hotel, northern lawn


From the Los Angeles Times, June 28, 2015
From the Los Angeles Times, June 28, 2015


I’m using this space to remind you of all that sadness, but I want you to know that Mr. Klein’s Wild Ride isn’t the story of a tragedy. It’s the story of a dream, a dream deferred perhaps, but a wonderful dream all the same. It’s the enriching dream of sexual enjoyment, boundless and saved from puritanical repression. It’s the dream of a woman who declared of Bliss Panerotic, “It’s not empowerment, it’s the presumption of power. The taking of power. It’s me owning my power.” It’s the dream of a man who reminded us all to get naked and see what happens. Above all, it was the dream of thousands of park visitors, who swarmed to a rocky island off the coast of California in pursuit of their bliss. My book is a tribute to the freedom they envisioned.

Early mockup of the Bliss Panerotic park map, provided by Gary Klein
Early mockup of the Bliss Panerotic park map, provided by Gary Klein




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