Category: Science

  • Silent Sky‘s Closing Night

    (Written September 16) I have a lot to say tonight, on two different subjects. It was our closing performance of Silent Sky, and yes, I do tend to gush at moments like these. Je ne regrette rien, Gentle Reader. Part 1: On Producing Silent Sky Producing a show this big was a first for me.…

  • Two Quick Links

    Two Quick Links

    Before I write anything else, I want to thank everyone who came out to hear me read from Mr. Klein’s Wild Ride this week in Lacey, Olympia and Tacoma. If you bought a book, double thanks. Let me know what you think of it. In fact, please let everyone know, especially if you enjoyed it.…

  • Science Mike

    I want to recommend the work of a guy named Mike McHargue, aka “Science Mike”…

  • I Contain Multitudes

    Within my body are over seven octillion atoms, each a cloud of gnats flitting around an infinitesimal nucleus and a relative ocean of empty space. They drift past each other, at times forming molecular bonds by sharing or trading electrons. Of the octillion-plus molecules in my body, seven out of ten are triatomic water. The…