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Lightfall FAQ

Here, in no particular order, are some questions I’m asked when people hear of my impending book release:

What’s it called?
Lightfall. It used to be called Salvation, but the publisher pointed out quite rightly how far down the list Salvation would be in a Google search. I derived the new title from a Bruce Springsteen song called “Cautious Man.” Unfortunately, we weren’t allowed to use the relevant lyrics in the text, so...feel free to Google "Cautious Man lyrics!"

When’s the book coming out?
Friday the 13th of November, which we only belatedly realized was also the release date of Roland Emmerich’s end-of-the-world F/X extravaganza 2012. Hey, free advertising!

Did you self-publish Lightfall?
No, Fear Nought is a traditional publisher, meaning it only publishes books it likes, after paying considerable upfront costs to have them printed and promoted. There are numerous advantages to this method, but I know how difficult it is for first-time writers to break through in the present market so I won’t judge any author for paying his or her own costs. I will say it’s almost impossible to turn a profit or find readers for a self-published book outside a limited community of friends and family, and it was thrilling to find someone besides myself and my mommy who believed in my literary talents.

How’d you get a publisher?
Actually, to be more precise, it got me, as I explained in my first blog entry.

What’s your novel about?
I quote my promotional copy: “Sugar Roses, Oklahoma, population eighteen thousand: a sleepy, conservative college town known—though not widely—for its Christian infotainment company, Saving Grace, and a misguided police prosecution. Nothing much ever happened here worth knowing about…until now. Sugar Roses is about to become a flashpoint for the prophesied End of the World. A cross section of America’s Bible Belt will face a series of unprecedented catastrophes. Are these events truly supernatural? Are they a presage of the foretold Apocalypse? And who will be moral and strong enough to survive? Only one thing is certain: The endgame has already begun." Ooh, that sounds exciting! "Lightfall is a satirical thrill ride, in which all humanity’s glories and vanities can be seen in one lyrical, hypocritical microcosm.”

Is there really a Sugar Roses, Oklahoma?
No, I placed my fictional town near what is known in real life as Pauls Valley, about an hour west of my old stomping grounds in Ada.

Are the characters based on real people?
No, although I suspect this will be met with some skepticism. I did look to situations I’ve observed in the past (especially acts of blatant hypocrisy) to help inspire plot developments. However, I wove all those real-life moments into new narratives, then devised my own characters to populate Sugar Roses. I did borrow one Oklahoman’s actual job description for no better reason than I couldn’t think of another I liked better. Ultimately, it’s most accurate to say I based all my characters’ traits, both positive and negative, on aspects of myself.

Is Lightfall a Christian book?
Not per se; it’s an adult novel (with adult language) that discusses themes closely related to modern Christian life.

Is it about the Rapture?
It’s about the foretold End of the World. How that happens…well, you’ll just have to read it to find out!

Are you working on another book?
I sure am. I promised myself years ago I’d write three books to talk about the biggest taboos in American conversation. Lightfall was my book about religion. The next has a one-word working title and will be all about sex. The rest will be revealed in due time.

Where can I buy my very own copy of Lightfall? It sounds awesome!
Why, thank you! What a sincere and completely unsolicited testimonial! If you live close to Fear Nought headquarters in Olympia, Washington, click here [1] for Fear Nought's official list of local vendors. We and they sincerely hope you’ll send some business their way. Independent bookstores are struggling, of course, but we love them—we’re all readers! If you live outside of Oly and want to buy a copy (heck, why stop at one?) directly from Fear Nought, just click on the "Buy Now" button to your right. There's no shipping charges if you order before November 13, and all pre-orders will be signed, first edition copies. Neat! There will also be an audiobook version for download and on CD, plus an e-book version. (If you have a handheld book reader, you should email me [2] right now. But sssshhhh...it's a secret!) Or, if you simply must go the long way ‘round, you'll also be able to buy my baby (or any of Fear Nought's other amazing books) on Amazon.com.

Thanks for reading, and more to come!
