- Carv's Thinky Blog - https://christiancarvajal.com -

My Media Onslaught Continues

You ask, I'll show up, read and sign. It's that simple. So here are some upcoming "This Is Our Apocalypse" events:

Tuesday, 1 December at 3:00 p.m., the Olympic College Bookstore in Bremerton. The refreshments and signature are free; the book (should you choose to buy one) isn't. This one's kinda fun 'cause I teach at the OC for my pittance of a livelihood. Writing, you say? No, I answer sheepishly, math. Undergraduate lit groupies welcome.

Saturday, 5 December at 3:00 p.m., Mud Bay Coffee Company, 1600 Cooper Road SW in Olympia. My girlfriend and I love Mud Bay Coffee Company--and she doesn't even like coffee! Caffeine groupies welcome. Basically, groupies welcome. I like groupies.

Saturday, 12 December at 1:00 p.m., Sage Book Store, 116 W. Railroad in Shelton. Not only will I be reading from and signing copies of Lightfall, but my sister, Monica, proprietress of Smoking Mo's Kitchen, will provide free Oklahoma snacks. I've deliberately remained ignorant as to what form those refreshments might take, as I enjoy a good surprise. Shelton Republicans welcome. (Olympia Republicans welcome, too; I know coffee bars and Orca Books give you folks a rash.)

What else? Sales are okay, not fantastic--though we are in a surprising number of bookstores already. That's our base. But as I've said before, this is when your help is not just appreciated but absolutely essential. Without positive word of mouth, Lightfall will go nowhere at Mach Five. Some of you are finishing the book right about now. If you enjoy it, please tell someone. Please. Post a positive review on Amazon or Facebook's Visual Bookshelf. Email friends. Comment about it on Twitter and other social networking sites. Do I sound desperate? Okay, then: I'm desperate. I really do need your help. You're important! Feels pretty good, now, doesn't it?

You'll also be important in the writing of my next novel. Some of you out there have what mainstream, vanilla folks would call unconventional social lives. Maybe you're in an open relationship. Maybe you and your partner are trying to reconcile minority orientations or other lifestyle permutations. Perhaps you identify as asexual, pansexual, polyamorous, or an "ethical slut." Well, guess what, my hot-panted friend, you just became a valuable source for my novel about a sexual theme park. Drop me a line [1] and let me know how that lifestyle's working out for you. Of course, you may remain anonymous if you prefer; but I reserve the right to ask exceedingly personal questions, judgment-free. You will not be quoted directly, and you certainly won't be outed in my book or anywhere else. Thanks again.
