Tag: politics

  • Cat Scratch Fever

    It’s taken me fifty years to understand this, but most people define good behavior (by themselves and those around them) as that which benefits them, not that which benefits other people …

  • Pull It Together, America

    Call me crazy, call me a misty-eyed nostalgic, but I believe there was a time in this country, a brief, delightful summer, when liberals and conservatives mostly got along with each other. Then political action committees happened. Then the internet happened. Then FOX News happened. Then we all learned how to “unfollow” or even “unfriend”…

  • Sore

    sore loser: a person who becomes very upset or angry when he or she loses a game, contest, etc.–Merriam-Webster I’ve been accused of this a lot lately, so I looked it up to make sure I knew what it meant. When I first read the definition above, I thought, yep, that’s me, all right. Because…