- Carv's Thinky Blog - https://christiancarvajal.com -

The End Has Finally Begun!

It thrills me to announce that you may now pre-order your very own copy of Lightfall by clicking here. The book is only $21.95 in first-printing hardcover, and you will not be charged for delivery on pre-orders. (You will, however, be charged today, rather than at time of delivery. That's because Fear Nought processes its pre-orders via PayPal, and we do apologize for the inconvenience.)

This is a momentous day for me, my family, and all my friends. That means you. It is also the beginning of the End for poor li'l Sugar Roses, Oklahoma. Hey, do me an enormous favor, okay? Wallop Fear Nought with pre-orders. Knock their socks off. Order multiple copies for Christmas. This will accomplish several things: First, it will ensure that Fear Nought buys my book on sex--oh, you know you want to read that. Second, it will make me a huge literary star, at which time you are cordially invited to ride my coattails. And third, it will show you have outstanding taste in friends, as I most certainly do.
