Carv's Thinky Blog I'm an author with a focus on satirical science fiction.


Be Gentle…

What you're about to see (should you choose to hit the white "Play" triangle below--you know how this works) is my very first ever video blog. It was recorded in one ad-libbed take and then edited by a total newb (me) in about half an please, manage those expectations accordingly.

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  1. Only two explosions? Come on.

  2. Nice work, Carv. I enjoyed it!!! However, am sorry to hear about the job. Maybe you are just meant to finish this book…:) have fun in LA

  3. Hi Christian. This was a sweet way to meet you before sending my email (check your inbox). I’m sorry to hear about the loss of your job. Don’t fear! You’re a talented writer. I’d love to talk soon and see how we could work together.

  4. And so we shall, Britt! I agree, Richard, that more explosions make anything better (as do werewolves), but this was just the exposition. Next time: frickin’ laser beams! And Davee, the book is coming along slooooooowly but surely. I’m not as prolific as you are, unfortunately!

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