Category: Movies
Big Things Come in 23-Minute Packages
As promised, here’s my quick review and somewhat deeper, (mostly) spoiler-free analysis of Ridley Scott’s Prometheus. I like that there’s so much to say about the movie, but I also wish less of it were legitimate complaints.
Summer Movies 2012, Part 2
This completes my top ten list, which started below. All told, these two vlogs are almost thirty minutes long. Not too shabby for less than eight hours’ work, don’t you think? (Please forgive the weird split–otherwise, it’d be too long for the YouTube upload procedure.)
Summer Movies 2012, Part 1
Presented for your amusement and edification (using the handy “vlog” form so enjoyed by today’s youth) is this, the first half of my list of 2012’s most promising summer movies. A note about copyrights: I’m well aware I don’t own the rights to any of the trailers shown in this video. However, it’s my feeling…
My Favorites of 2010
I’m cooking up a diatribe on the expression “TMI”–spoiler alert, it’s not one of my favorites–but first, here are ten things I dug in 2010. I should warn you at least one of them is not family-friendly. 1.) Black Swan, directed by Darren Aronofsky Not only did Natalie Portman leave Annette Bening in her dust…
Perfection in the Dark
I’ve never asked for a perfect movie–I wonder if such a thing is even possible. But sometimes, just every once in a blue moon, a cast and crew get it exactly right for a few dozen shots in a row: an unimprovable scene. Here are twenty-five of my favorites. What are yours? 1. Hudson vs.…
Down in Front: The Best Movies of the Decade
This is the most subjective of my three lists, in that I’m stuck with some choices even I couldn’t justify persuasively. All I can tell you is I pondered the list all day, then slept on it, then pondered it again, and I still wouldn’t know what to change if I had to. Here are…