Carv's Thinky Blog I'm an author with a focus on satirical science fiction.


My Night in the Wreck Room

What we have here is my fourth podcast, except that this one's a tiny bit different. Unlike previous installments, I decided to record it in one take, uninterrupted, and post it with no edits. All I did in postproduction was slap some music on it and covert it from WMA to MP3. This is the raw feed, straight from my thinky (and feely) place to you. Thanks for listening.

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  1. Moving convictions Carv. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Nice comments, my friend.

  3. Ron and Alec, I appreciate it. Amanda, as you probably imagine, I’m all for that.

  4. This is lovely, Carv. And – you have such a really nice voice for this medium. Yup. Well-done, my friend.

  5. Thank you, Jolley. I’m glad you like it…’cause I just posted a brand new installment!

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